Tag Archives | Nucleus

Chromosomes: Introduction, Number and Types | Cell Biology

In this article we will discuss about Chromosomes:- 1. Introduction to Chromosomes 2. Chromosome Number 3. Size 4. Morphology 5. Chromosomes in Nucleoprotein 6. Chromosomes Containing Single DNA Molecule 7. Types 8. Models 9. Chemical Structure 10. Biological Importance. Contents: Introduction to Chromosomes Chromosome Number Chromosome Size Morphology of Chromosome Chromosomes in Nucleoprotein Chromosomes Containing Single DNA Molecule Types of [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:20+00:00May 2, 2016|Chromosomes|Comments Off on Chromosomes: Introduction, Number and Types | Cell Biology

Continuous and Discontinuous Replication | Cell biology

The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between Continuous and Discontinuous Replication. Difference # Continuous Replication: 1. Occurs on leading of a replication fork. 2. Starts at the beginning of replication. 3. Progresses in on direction, i.e., towards the replication fork. 4. Synthesis of DNA takes place continuously. 5. In vivo need no RNA primer. 6. Only DNA [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:20+00:00May 2, 2016|DNA Replication Process|Comments Off on Continuous and Discontinuous Replication | Cell biology

4 Main Replications of DNA | Cell Biology

The following points highlight the four main replications of DNA. The replications are: 1. Plasmid 2. Mitochondrial DNA 3. Kinetoplast DNA 4. Chloroplast DNA. Replication # 1. Plasmid: In addition to the nucleoid DNA, the cytoplasm of bacterial cell contains one or more extra chromosomal mini-circular DNA duplexes which are known as plasmids that can replicate independently of the nucleoid [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:20+00:00May 2, 2016|DNA Replication Process|Comments Off on 4 Main Replications of DNA | Cell Biology
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