Tag Archives | Muscles

Changes Found in Muscular Contraction: 3 Changes | Humans | Biology

The following changes are found to accompany any muscular contraction: 1. Mechanical Changes 2. Thermal Changes 3. Electrical Changes. 1. Mechanical Changes: During, contraction, the muscle fibre shortens in length, increases in thickness, but the total volume remains same (or slightly increases). The muscular contraction may be isometric when the length of the muscle fibres remains constant but the tension [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:45+00:00July 27, 2017|Muscles Physiology|Comments Off on Changes Found in Muscular Contraction: 3 Changes | Humans | Biology

Basic Properties of Cardiac Muscle (With Diagram) | Humans | Biology

The properties present in other muscle are also shown by the cardiac muscle. But it shows certain special features. 1. Rhythmicity: One of the main characteristic features of the cardiac muscle is that it can initiate its own impulse rhythmical­ly. This inherent rhythmical property is present throughout the cardiac muscle as evident from the electro-physiological studies of the single fibre [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:39+00:00July 27, 2017|Cardiac Muscle|Comments Off on Basic Properties of Cardiac Muscle (With Diagram) | Humans | Biology

How Muscles Move Bones at a Joint? | Human Body | Biology

The following article will guide you about how muscles move bones at a joint in human body.  Muscles work in the following way: (i) They can pull but never push. (ii) They pull only when they contract. (iii) When they contract, they decrease in length. (iv) When returning to their original length, they relax (not 'expand'). (v) They are attached [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:00:05+00:00July 24, 2017|Muscles|Comments Off on How Muscles Move Bones at a Joint? | Human Body | Biology
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