Archive | Muscles

Smooth Muscle: Structure and Types | Biology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction and Structure of Smooth Muscle 2. Types of Smooth Muscle 3. Properties 4. Characteristics 5. Contraction. Introduction and Structure of Smooth Muscle: Smooth muscle cells are spindle-shaped (2 to 10 m diameter and 50 to 400 m in length), have single nucleus and are capable of cell division. They lack cross [...]

By |2018-01-25T05:50:19+00:00January 25, 2018|Muscles|Comments Off on Smooth Muscle: Structure and Types | Biology

How Muscles Move Bones at a Joint? | Human Body | Biology

The following article will guide you about how muscles move bones at a joint in human body.  Muscles work in the following way: (i) They can pull but never push. (ii) They pull only when they contract. (iii) When they contract, they decrease in length. (iv) When returning to their original length, they relax (not 'expand'). (v) They are attached [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:00:05+00:00July 24, 2017|Muscles|Comments Off on How Muscles Move Bones at a Joint? | Human Body | Biology

Locomotion of Muscles in Human Body

In this article we will discuss about the Locomotion of Muscles in Human Body. Types of Muscles: In humans muscles constitute about 40 to 50 percent of the total body weight. These muscles are broadly classified into three categories: 1. Skeletal or striped or striated or voluntary muscles 2. Smooth or un-striped or non-striated or visceral or involuntary muscles 3. [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:53:16+00:00September 6, 2016|Muscles|Comments Off on Locomotion of Muscles in Human Body
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