Tag Archives | Microbial Mutants

8 Important Types of Microbial Mutants | Microbiology

The following points highlight the eight important types of microbial mutants. The types are: 1. Auxotrophic Mutants 2. Resistant Mutants 3. Cryptic Mutants 4. Conditionally Expressed Mutants 5. Antigenic Mutants 6. Metabolic Mutants 7. Regulatory Mutants 8. Temperature-Sensitive Mutants. Microbial Mutant: Type # 1. Auxotrophic Mutants: Auxotrophic mutants are those that are nutritionally deficient, i.e., they are unable to synthesize [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:09:41+00:00September 16, 2016|Mutations|Comments Off on 8 Important Types of Microbial Mutants | Microbiology

Isolation of Microbial Mutants: 4 Techniques | Microbiology

The following points highlight the top four techniques used for the isolation of microbial mutants. The techniques are: 1. Direct Observation 2. Enrichment Technique 3. Replica-Plating Technique 4. The Ames Test. 1. Direct Observation Technique: In some cases, a colony growing on an agar plate can easily be seen to be different from the normal parental type (wild-type). For example, [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:17:58+00:00September 16, 2016|Mutations|Comments Off on Isolation of Microbial Mutants: 4 Techniques | Microbiology
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