Tag Archives | Meiosis

Notes on Meiosis: Features, Division and Significance

Notes on Meiosis: Features, Division and Significance! Notes # Features of Meiosis: Important features of meiosis are presented below: Two spindle using divisions which reduce the chromosome number from diploid to haploid constitute meiosis. The main function of meiosis is to produce gametes in an organism. 1. Meiosis results in formation of four daughter cells from a single mother cell [...]

By |2016-07-12T12:16:55+00:00July 12, 2016|Meiosis|Comments Off on Notes on Meiosis: Features, Division and Significance

Meiotic Division of Cell (With Diagram)

 In this article we will discuss about the meiotic division of a cell. The meiotic division includes two complete divisions of a diploid cell resulting into four haploid nuclei. The first meiotic division includes a long prophase in which the homologous chromosomes become closely associated to each other and interchange of hereditary material takes place between them. Further, in the [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:38:53+00:00May 2, 2016|Invertebrate Zoology|Comments Off on Meiotic Division of Cell (With Diagram)

Meiosis: Stages and Genetic Consequences of Meiosis

Read this article to get information about Meiosis: Stages and Genetic Consequences of Meiosis! As a result of sexual reproduction a zygote is formed by the union of sexual cells or gametes. It is characterized by having double number of chromosomes (diploid) than the gametes. In this process there is biparental inheritance. This double number is reduced to half (haploid) [...]

By |2015-08-27T18:51:21+00:00August 5, 2013|Meiosis|Comments Off on Meiosis: Stages and Genetic Consequences of Meiosis
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