Tag Archives | Lipids

The Best Essay on Lipids | Organic Compounds | Biochemistry

Lipids Essay – This is one of the best essays on ‘Lipids and Its Classification’ especially written for school and college students. Essay # 1. Introduction to Lipids: Lipids are the biomolecules of structural and functional importance. They are the important component of membrane composition and function with a role in long-term energy storage. One gram of fat stores more [...]

By |2017-05-17T17:24:42+00:00May 17, 2017|Lipids|Comments Off on The Best Essay on Lipids | Organic Compounds | Biochemistry

Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the process of biosynthesis of fatty acids, explained with the help of suitable diagrams. Synthesis of Saturated Fatty Acids: It must be pointed out at the very outset that the biosynthesis of fatty acids does not generally take place by the reactions — in the reverse direction — of β-oxidation; the latter are [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:32+00:00December 23, 2016|Biochemistry|Comments Off on Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids (With Diagram)

Carbohydrates and Lipid Metabolisms | Biochemistry

In this article we will discuss about the interrelations between carbohydrates and lipid metabolisms. Transformation of Carbohydrates into Lipids: In most animals and in man, when dietary carbohydrates are in excess, the oxidation of a part of glucose maintains relatively high concentrations of ATP, NADH and NADPH; this will promote: i. The synthesis of glycogen from glucose, which requires UTP [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:32+00:00December 23, 2016|Lipid Metabolism|Comments Off on Carbohydrates and Lipid Metabolisms | Biochemistry
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