Archive | Lipids

Biosynthesis of Steroids | Lipids

In this article we will discuss about the process of biosynthesis of steroids, explained with the help of suitable diagrams. Biosynthesis of Cholesterol: The main steps of the biosynthesis of cholesterol are diagrammatically represented in figure 5-22. The first reaction consists of the condensation of 2 molecules of acetyl-coA. It is the reverse of the reaction which takes place during [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:32+00:00December 23, 2016|Lipids|Comments Off on Biosynthesis of Steroids | Lipids

Digestion and Absorption of Lipids

In this article we will discuss about the process of digestion and absorption of lipids. Digestion of Lipids: Whereas previous hydrolyzing action of enzymes is the determining factor for the absorption of carbohydrates and proteins, absorption of lipids depends not only on the presence of lipolytic enzymes, but also on the degree of emul-sification of lipids in the intestine. In [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:32+00:00December 23, 2016|Lipids|Comments Off on Digestion and Absorption of Lipids

Ketogenesis (With Diagram) | Biochemistry

The below mentioned article provides a note on the process of ketogeneis, explained with the help of a suitable diagram. In vertebrates, the acetyl-coenzyme A originating from the β-oxidation can leave the mitochondrion in the form of citrate. However a notable part of this acetyl-coA is used for the synthesis of ketone substances: acetoacetic acid, β-hydroxy-butyric acid and acetone. This [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:32+00:00December 23, 2016|Lipids|Comments Off on Ketogenesis (With Diagram) | Biochemistry
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