Tag Archives | Invertebrate Zoology

Nervous System of Cockroach

In this article we will discuss about the central, peripheral and sympathetic nervous system of cockroach. Central Nervous System of Cockroach: The central nervous system consists of the supra-oesophageal ganglion or brain, sub- oesophageal ganglion and the nerve cord. The supra-oesophageal ganglion or cerebral ganglion is a bilobed structure situated in the head in front of oesophagus, above the tentorium [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Cockroach|Comments Off on Nervous System of Cockroach

Phylum Arthropoda (With Diagram) | Invertebrate Zoology

The phylum Arthropoda (Gr., arthros - jointed + podos = foot) is the largest group of the animal kingdom. Phylum Arthropoda surpasses all others both in number of individuals and in the diversity of their ecological distribution. They have undergone an adaptive radiation for aerial, aquatic, terrestrial, and parasitic environments filling every conceivable ecological niche. More than 8, 00,000 species [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Phylum Arthropoda|Comments Off on Phylum Arthropoda (With Diagram) | Invertebrate Zoology

Excretory Organs of Palaemon Malcolmsonii

The following points highlight the four main excretory organs of Palaemon Malcolmsonii. The organs are: 1. Antennary Glands 2. Lateral Ducts 3. Renal Sac 4. Integument. Palaemon Malcolmsonii: Excretory Organ # 1. Antennary Glands: The antennary gland or green gland of adult Palaemon lies enclosed within the coxal segment of each antenna. Each gland is an opaque-white structure of the [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Invertebrate Zoology|Comments Off on Excretory Organs of Palaemon Malcolmsonii
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