Tag Archives | India

Environmental Impact Assessment in India

Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment: The environmental impact assessment in India was started in 1976-77, when the planning commis­sion asked the Department of Science and Tech­nology to examine the river valley projects from environmental angel. This was subsequently ex­tended to cover those projects, which required ap­proval of the Public Investment Board. Then the Govt. of India enacted the Environment (Protec­tion) [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:31+00:00December 13, 2016|Environmental Impact Assessment|Comments Off on Environmental Impact Assessment in India

History of Vegetable Breeding Research in India

After reading this article you will learn about the history of vegetable breeding research in India. 1940 - Successful attempt of seed production of temperate vegetables at Quetta (now in Pakistan). 1947 - Sanctioning of a nucleus 'Plant Introduction Scheme' at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. 1949 - Establishment of a vegetable breeding station at Katrain in Kullu [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:06:11+00:00December 12, 2016|Vegetable Breeding|Comments Off on History of Vegetable Breeding Research in India

Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR)

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to IIVR 2. Mandate of IIVR 3. Vegetable Varieties. Introduction to IIVR: Vegetable research in India got boost with the establishment of All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on vegetable crops during 1971 at Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi. The status of AICRP on vegetables was elevated to the [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:06:11+00:00December 12, 2016|Vegetable Breeding|Comments Off on Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR)
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