Tag Archives | Humans

Zygomatic and Palatine Bones of Human Skull | Skeletal System | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the zygomatic and palatine bones which belongs to human skull. Zygomatic Bone of the Human Skull: It forms the bony prominence of the cheek. Shape is irregular. It takes part in the formation of lateral wall and floor of the orbit. Also forms the anterior wall of temporal and infra temporal fossa. Parts: [...]

By |2018-03-07T11:31:14+00:00March 7, 2018|Skull|Comments Off on Zygomatic and Palatine Bones of Human Skull | Skeletal System | Biology

Temporal Bones of Human Skull: Parts and Surfaces | Skeletal System | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the parts and surfaces of temporal bones which belongs to human skull. Parts of Temporal Bone: Paired bones, situated along the lower part of the lateral wall of the cranium. It contains the hearing and vestibular organs and takes part in the formation of temparo mandibular joint. Parts of Temporal Bone: It has [...]

By |2018-03-07T11:31:14+00:00March 7, 2018|Skull|Comments Off on Temporal Bones of Human Skull: Parts and Surfaces | Skeletal System | Biology

Lymphatic Drainage of Human Head and Neck | Circulatory System | Biology

The lymph nodes draining the head and neck are classified into superficial and deep nodes. Superficial lymphatics follow superficial veins while deep lymphatics follow arteries. I. Superficial Nodes: Drain superficial tissues of head and neck. A. Circular Group: Arranged in the form of a circle round the neck called "Pericervical collar". It includes: (a) Submental Nodes: Lie in submental triangle. [...]

By |2018-03-07T11:31:14+00:00March 7, 2018|Head and Neck|Comments Off on Lymphatic Drainage of Human Head and Neck | Circulatory System | Biology
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