Tag Archives | Human Body

Specialised Cells, Tissues and Organs | Term Paper | Human Body | Biology

Here is a term paper on the ‘Functions of Specialised Cells, Tissues and Organs in Human Body’ for class 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short term papers on the ‘Functions of Specialised Cells, Tissues and Organs in Human Body’ especially written for school and college students. Term Paper # 1. Relationship between the Structure of a [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:00:06+00:00July 24, 2017|Cell|Comments Off on Specialised Cells, Tissues and Organs | Term Paper | Human Body | Biology

Structure of an Excretory Organ | Human Body | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the structure of an excretory organ in human body, with the help of a suitable diagram. Excretion is defined as the removal of toxic materials and waste products of metabolism from organisms. The metabolic reactions within the body are always creating waste products. There are two main sets of excretory organs for removing [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:00:06+00:00July 24, 2017|Excretion|Comments Off on Structure of an Excretory Organ | Human Body | Biology

Structure of the Respiratory Organs | Human Body | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the structure of the respiratory organs in human body with the help of a suitable diagram. A pair of lungs lies in the airtight thoracic ('chest') cavity, as shown in fig 45. During breathing, the lungs are inflated and deflated by the action of muscles which help to form the thorax. They are: [...]

By |2017-07-24T11:00:06+00:00July 24, 2017|Respiratory Organs|Comments Off on Structure of the Respiratory Organs | Human Body | Biology
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