Tag Archives | Genetics

Modern Developmental Genetic Discoveries | Evolution | Biology

The eyes of insects and the eyes of vertebrates were, until the early 1990s, considered to be a standard example of "analogous" structures. They perform the same function but have utterly different internal structures, suggesting that they evolved independently from a common ancestor that lacked eyes. Then the laboratory of Walter Gehring in Switzerland began to research genes that are [...]

By |2017-12-11T05:39:46+00:00December 11, 2017|Discoveries|Comments Off on Modern Developmental Genetic Discoveries | Evolution | Biology

Calculating Gene (Allele) Frequencies in a Population | Genetics

Application of Hardy-Weinberg law in calculating Gene (Allele) frequencies in a population.  The gene frequencies for the autosomal and sex-chromosomal allele can be determined by the help of Hardy-Weinberg law by the following method: A. Calculation of Gene Frequencies of Autosomal Genes: An autosomal gene locus may have codominant alleles, dominant and recessive alleles or multiple alleles. If one desires [...]

By |2017-11-09T18:48:02+00:00November 9, 2017|Population Genetics|Comments Off on Calculating Gene (Allele) Frequencies in a Population | Genetics

Essay @ Allele Frequency | Genetics

In this essay we will discuss about the factors influencing allele frequency. Essay on Allele Frequency Essay Contents: Essay on Selection Essay on Mutation Essay on Meiotic Drive and Migration Pressure Essay on Random Genetic Drift Essay on Founder Principle Essay # 1. Essay on Selection: I. Evolution: Evolution has been described by Lewontin (1967) as a process that converts [...]

By |2017-11-09T18:48:02+00:00November 9, 2017|Allele Frequency|Comments Off on Essay @ Allele Frequency | Genetics
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