Tag Archives | Food Preservation

Fermentation Process of Yeasts | Microbiology

In this article we will discuss about the fermentation process of yeasts. The yeasts are true fungi which have adopted an essentially single celled morphology reproducing asexually by budding or, in the case of Schizosaccharomyces, by fission. Although they have a simple morphology, it is probable that they are highly evolved specialists rather than primitive fungi. Their natural habitat is [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:18:41+00:00October 17, 2016|Food Microbiology|Comments Off on Fermentation Process of Yeasts | Microbiology

Fermentation Process of Sausages | Microbiology

In this article we will discuss about the fermentation process of sausages. Fermented sausages are sometimes claimed to have originated in the Mediterranean region, although traditional products in China and Southeast Asia suggest that they probably developed independently in several locations. Like cheese making, meat fermentation is a method for improving the keeping qualities of an otherwise highly perishable commodity. [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:18:40+00:00October 17, 2016|Food Microbiology|Comments Off on Fermentation Process of Sausages | Microbiology

What is Fermented Fish? | Microbiology

Get the answer of: What is Fermented Fish? The term fermented fish is applied to two groups of product, mostly confined to East and Southeast Asia: the more widely known fish/salt formulations such as fish sauces and pastes, and fish/salt/carbohydrate blends. Strictly speaking, only in the latter case is the description 'fermented' fully justified. Microbial action in the production offish [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:18:40+00:00October 17, 2016|Food Microbiology|Comments Off on What is Fermented Fish? | Microbiology
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