Tag Archives | Fluids

Types of Blood Groups | Essay | Human Beings | Biology

In this essay we will discuss about the types of blood groups. Also learn about the importance of blood group studies. Essay # 1. A, B and O Groups: i. The phenomenon of haemoagglutination is due to the interaction between two factors-agglutinogens, present in the corpuscles and agglutinins, present in the plasma (or serum). ii. There are two primary agglutinogens—A [...]

By |2017-07-24T10:56:43+00:00July 24, 2017|Blood Groups|Comments Off on Types of Blood Groups | Essay | Human Beings | Biology

Types of Fluids in Human Body

The following points highlight the two types of fluids in human body. The types are: 1. Intracellular Fluid 2. Extracellular Fluid. Type # 1. Intracellular Fluid (ICF): The fluid of each cell contains its individual mixture of different constituents, but the concentrations of these substances are similar from one cell to another. The composition of cell fluids is remarkable, similar [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:53:16+00:00September 6, 2016|Fluids|Comments Off on Types of Fluids in Human Body

Distribution of Fluids in the Human Body

In this article we will discuss about the Distribution of Fluids in the Human Body:- 1. Fluid Concentration in Human Body 2. Extracellular Fluid 3. Intracellular Fluid 4. Exchanges between Fluid Compartments. Fluid Concentration in Human Body: 1. Water makes up 50 to 70 per cent of the weight of the adult human body and var­ies inversely as the fat [...]

By |2016-07-30T17:19:22+00:00July 30, 2016|Water Metabolism|Comments Off on Distribution of Fluids in the Human Body
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