Tag Archives | Floriculture

Gerbera: Genetics and Modification | Flowers

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Genetics and Breeding of Gerbera 2. Varietal Wealth of Gerbera 3. Modification of Environmental Conditions 4. Propagation 5. Division 6. Micropropagation 7. Planting 8. Manuring and Fertilization 9. Irrigation 10. Weeding and Hoeing 11. Flower Regulation 12. Flowering Yield 13. Storage 14. Harvesting and Packing. Gerbera ranks fifth amongst cut flowers [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:04:37+00:00November 5, 2016|Floriculture|Comments Off on Gerbera: Genetics and Modification | Flowers

Top 44 Types of Shrubs | Horticulture

This article throws light upon the top forty-four types of shrubs. The types are: 1. Acalypha (Euphorbiaceae) 2. Malvaviscus Arboreus (Malvaceae) 3. Barleria Cristata (Acanthaceae) 4. Brunsfelsia Americana (Solanaceae) 5. Brunsefelsia Pauciflora (Solanaceae) 6. Buddleia Asiatica (Scrophulareaceae) 7. Buddleia Madagascariensis (Scrophulearaceae) 8. Cassia Glauca (Leguminosae) and others. Type # 1. Acalypha (Euphorbiaceae): It is native of East Indies. This shrub [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:04:37+00:00November 5, 2016|Floriculture|Comments Off on Top 44 Types of Shrubs | Horticulture

Top 3 Ways for Planting of Shrubs | Horticulture

This article throws light upon the three ways for planting of shrubs. The ways are: 1. Specimen Shrubs 2. Standard Shrubs 3. Shrubbery Border. Way # 1. Specimen Shrubs: These shrubs are planted singly or in group in the beds on the lawn to create a picturesque effect. These shrubs have elegant foliage and produce beautiful flowers. For the best [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:04:36+00:00November 5, 2016|Horticulture|Comments Off on Top 3 Ways for Planting of Shrubs | Horticulture
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