Tag Archives | Fermentation

Re-Oxidation of NADH during Fermentation | Microbiology

In this article we will discuss about the re-oxidation process of NADH during fermentation. NADH is not oxidized by the electron transport chain (i.e., the oxidative phosphorylation does not occur) in the absence of aerobic or anaerobic respiration because, in that condition, no external electron acceptor becomes available. Yet NADH generated in glycolysis during the oxidation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:09:55+00:00September 16, 2016|Fermentation|Comments Off on Re-Oxidation of NADH during Fermentation | Microbiology

ATP Synthesis in Fermentation (With Diagram)

In fermentation, the energy conservation (ATP-synthesis) generally takes place by way of substrate-level phosphorylation and by way of decarboxylation of organic acids in certain cases. Way # 1. Substrate-level Phosphorylation and Fermentation: Substrate-level phosphorylation, is a mechanism by which high energy phosphate bonds from organic intermediates of the fermentation are transferred to ADP producing ATP. ATP synthesis via substrate-level phosphorylation [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:09:53+00:00September 16, 2016|Fermentation|Comments Off on ATP Synthesis in Fermentation (With Diagram)
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