Tag Archives | Environment

Water Resources and Its Conservation

Today in almost all spheres of human activity more water is drawn than what is actually needed. Due to carelessness much of it is wasted and allowed to flow out in an impure state. At many places enough clean water is no longer available. The rapid rise in demand for fresh water is naturally a result of an equally rapid [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:08:43+00:00September 16, 2016|Essay|Comments Off on Water Resources and Its Conservation

Top 6 Types of Natural Resources | Ecology

The following points highlight the top six types of natural resources. The types are: 1. Soil 2. Water 3. Land 4. Energy 5. Marine 6. Mineral. Natural Resources: Type # 1. Soil: Land is a major constituent of the lithosphere and the source of many minerals essential to man and other organisms. It forms about one-fifth of the earth's surface, [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:08:41+00:00September 16, 2016|Natural Resources|Comments Off on Top 6 Types of Natural Resources | Ecology

Project Report on Waste Water Treatment

A project report on waste water treatment. This project report will help you to learn about: 1. Introduction to Waste Water Treatment 2. Basic Parameters in Waste Water Characterisation 3. Biochemical Characteristics 4. Stages 5. Domestic Waste Water Treatment 6. Wastewater Discharged 7. Chemical Specifications 8. Classification of Treatment Methods for Industrial Waste. Contents: Project Report on Introduction to Waste [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:20:48+00:00August 24, 2016|Waste Water Treatment|Comments Off on Project Report on Waste Water Treatment
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