Tag Archives | DNA

Study Notes on Fidelity of Replication | Cell Biology

Study notes on Fidelity of Replication! Fidelity of replication means the faithful repliĀ­cation of DNA and the production of accurate daughter DNA using the parental DNA as a template. The accuracy of DNA replication is critical to cell reproduction. To produce a sequence of bases in the DNA of a daughter cell which is identical to that in the parent, [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:20+00:00May 2, 2016|DNA Replication Process|Comments Off on Study Notes on Fidelity of Replication | Cell Biology

3 Main Enzymes of DNA Replications | Cell Biology

The following points highlight the three main enzymes of DNA replications. The enzymes are: 1. Primase 2. DNA Polymerase 3. DNA Ligases. Enzyme # 1. Primase: A primase is an enzyme which makes the RNA primers required for initiation of Okazaki pieces on the lagging strand. Primase activity needs the formation of a complex of primase and at least six [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:20+00:00May 2, 2016|DNA Replication Process|Comments Off on 3 Main Enzymes of DNA Replications | Cell Biology

Chromosomes: Introduction, Number and Types | Cell Biology

In this article we will discuss about Chromosomes:- 1. Introduction to Chromosomes 2. Chromosome Number 3. Size 4. Morphology 5. Chromosomes in Nucleoprotein 6. Chromosomes Containing Single DNA Molecule 7. Types 8. Models 9. Chemical Structure 10. Biological Importance. Contents: Introduction to Chromosomes Chromosome Number Chromosome Size Morphology of Chromosome Chromosomes in Nucleoprotein Chromosomes Containing Single DNA Molecule Types of [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:20+00:00May 2, 2016|Chromosomes|Comments Off on Chromosomes: Introduction, Number and Types | Cell Biology
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