Tag Archives | Crustaceans

Dissection of Prawn (With Diagram) | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the dissection of Prawn. Also learn about:- 1. Dissection of Alimentary System 2. Dissection of Nervous System. Dissection: Put the specimen (Fig. 4.1) on the dissecting tray. Lift the carapace from the lateral sides and cut it loose at the anterior end. Cut the inner lining membrane and the cara­pace is separated. Remove [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:06:37+00:00August 24, 2016|Prawn|Comments Off on Dissection of Prawn (With Diagram) | Zoology

Top 29 Crustaceans that Live as Parasites

The following points highlight the top twenty-nine crustaceans that live as parasites. Some of the crustaceans are: 1. Monsirilla 2. Notodelphys 3. Asterocheres 4. Nicothoe 5. Lichomolgus 6. Anthosoma 7. Ergasilus 8. Bomolochus 9. Hondrocattthus 10. Philichthys 11. Giardella 12. Caligus 13. Lernaea 14. Lesteira 15. Tracheliastes and Others. Crustacean # 1. Monsirilla: The adult of this crustacea is free-swimming. [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:59+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Arthropoda|Comments Off on Top 29 Crustaceans that Live as Parasites

Types of Crustaceans (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the twenty important types of Crustaceans. The types are: 1. Hutchinsoniella 2. Branchipus 3. Artemia 4. Daphnia 5. Triops 6. Cypris 7. Derocheilocaris 8. Cyclops 9. Lepas 10. Balanus 11. Mysis 12. Oniscus 13. Homartis 14. Palinurus 15. Scyllarus 16. Eupagurus 17. Hippa 18. Gammarus 19. Caprella 20. Squilla. Crustaceans: Type # 1. Hutchinsoniella: It was [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:40+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Arthropoda|Comments Off on Types of Crustaceans (With Diagram)
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