Tag Archives | Chromosome Number

2 Main Causes of Ploids (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the two main causes of ploids. The causes are: 1. Aneuploidy 2. Euploidy. Ploids: Cause # 1. Aneuploidy: The individuals carrying chrornosome numbers other than somatic or diploid (2n), which are not true multiples of basic chromosome number or genome are called heteroploids or aneuploids. Thus aneuploidy results due to an addition of loss of less [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:57+00:00July 12, 2016|Chromosome Number|Comments Off on 2 Main Causes of Ploids (With Diagram)

5 Main Types of Trisomics

The following points highlight the five main types of trisomics which is a cell tissue or individual possessing the extra chromosome. The types are: 1. Primary Trisomics 2. Secondary TrisomicsĀ  3. Telocentric or Telosomic or Telotrisomics 4. Tertiary Trisomics 5. Compensating Trisomics. Type # 1. Primary Trisomic: In this type of trisomic, the extra chromosome is normal and completely homologous [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:51:00+00:00July 12, 2016|Chromosome Number|Comments Off on 5 Main Types of Trisomics

Aneuploidy in Animals | Chromosome Number

In this article we will discuss about the aneuploidy in animals. Aneuploidy of sex chromosomes and autosomes have been reported in several animals. Nondisjunction is major source of aneuploid gametes Sturtevant reported that trisomic for chromosome 4 (triplo-IV) in Drosophila melanogaster ABCDEFGH was fertile in the female sex. In mouse, trisomics were found to be sterile or semi-sterile, but their [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:51:00+00:00July 12, 2016|Chromosome Number|Comments Off on Aneuploidy in Animals | Chromosome Number
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