Tag Archives | Chloroplast Transformation

Markers for Chloroplast Transformation | Biotechnology

In this article we will discuss about the markers for chloroplast transformation. Generally, dominant antibiotic resistant genes are used in plastid transformation. Intro­duction of antibiotic resistant gene in the plastid genome facilitated the maintenance of high number of plastid genome copies in a cell. Chloroplast transformation invariably and unavoid­ably produces chimeric tissues, which requires identification of transplastomic cells in order [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:54+00:00December 23, 2016|Plant Biotechnology|Comments Off on Markers for Chloroplast Transformation | Biotechnology

Methods of Chloroplast Transformation in Plants

The following points highlight the top five methods of chloroplast transformation in higher plants. The methods are: 1. Vectors for Plastid Transformation 2. Engineering for High-Level Protein Production 3. Biolystic Transfer 4. EG Mediated Transformation 5. Galistan Expansion Femtosyringe Method. Method # 1. Vectors for Plastid Transformation: Vectors used for plastid transformation utilize left (LTR) and right (RTR) targeting re­gions [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:54+00:00December 23, 2016|Plant Biotechnology|Comments Off on Methods of Chloroplast Transformation in Plants
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