Tag Archives | Cell Division

Stages of Mitosis Cell Division | Zoology

The following points highlight the six main stages of mitosis cell division. The stages are: 1. The Interphase Stage 2. The Early Prophase Stage 3. The Late Prophase Stage 4. The Metaphase Stage 5. The Anaphase Stage 6. The Telophase Stage. 1. The Interphase Stage: The slide shows Interphase stage which is characterized by the following features (Fig. 19). (1) [...]

By |2016-10-13T19:19:14+00:00October 13, 2016|Mitosis|Comments Off on Stages of Mitosis Cell Division | Zoology

Types of Meiotic Division | Zoology

The following points highlight the two main types of meiotic division. The types are: 1. The First Meiotic Division or Heterotypic Division 2. The Second Meiotic Division or Homeoptypic Division. Type # 1. The First Meiotic Division or Heterotypic Division: i. First Prophase Stage: This stage is divided into following stages: (a) Leptotene sub stage: The slide shows the first [...]

By |2016-10-13T19:19:14+00:00October 13, 2016|Cell Division|Comments Off on Types of Meiotic Division | Zoology

Phases of Mitosis: 4 Phases | Cell Division

In this article we will discuss about the four phases of mitosis with suitable diagram and also learn about its significance. The mitosis is a part of somatic cell division which includes the division of the nucleus (called mitosis or karyokinesis) and the division of the cytoplasm (called cytokinesis). Strasburger (1875), a German botanist, was the first to work out [...]

By |2016-09-16T07:08:36+00:00September 16, 2016|Phases|Comments Off on Phases of Mitosis: 4 Phases | Cell Division
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