Tag Archives | Cell Division

2 Parts of Cell Division | Cytology

In this article we will discuss about the two parts of cell division: 1. Mitosis 2. Meiosis. The process in which a cell divides to form two new cells, each containing a nucleus, is called cell division. It is of two types i.e., mitosis and meiosis. In mitosis, which is also called vegetative cell division, the chromosomes in the nucleus [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:49:04+00:00October 20, 2016|Cell Division|Comments Off on 2 Parts of Cell Division | Cytology

Difference between Mitosis and Meiosis | Cell Division

The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between mitosis and meiosis of cell division. Difference # Mitosis: 1. It occurs continuously in the body or somatic cells. 2. Its main purpose is the growth in the body. 3. The whole process completes in one sequence or phase. Prophase: 4. It completes in a short period, and not divided [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:46:24+00:00October 20, 2016|Cytology|Comments Off on Difference between Mitosis and Meiosis | Cell Division

Experiments on Cell Division | Zoology

Experiments on mitotic and meiotic cell division in animals and plants. Experiment on Mitotic Cell Division: To prepare a slide of root tip of onion by squash method arid to identify, study and draw the various mitotic stages. Material required: Onion root tips fixed in Carnoy fluid (6 parts absolute alc + 3 parts glacial acetic acid + 1 part [...]

By |2016-10-13T19:19:14+00:00October 13, 2016|Experiments|Comments Off on Experiments on Cell Division | Zoology
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