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Ecology: Compilation of Term Papers on Ecology | Branches | Biology

Here is a compilation of term papers on ‘Ecology’. Find paragraphs, long and short term papers on ‘Ecology’ especially written for school and college students. Term Paper on Ecology Term Paper Contents: Term Paper on the Definition of Ecology Term Paper on the Classification of Ecology Term Paper on the Levels of Ecology Term Paper on the Subdivisions of Ecology [...]

By |2017-08-09T19:42:35+00:00August 9, 2017|Ecology|Comments Off on Ecology: Compilation of Term Papers on Ecology | Branches | Biology

Adaptations and its Categories | Ecology | Branches | Biology

Organisms are equipped in a number of ways to cope with their environment. The adjust­ments made by the individuals in response to the specific environmental conditions are known as adaptations. Adaptations are structural or physiological characteristics that allow an organism to exist under the conditions imposed by its habitat. All organisms have adaptations that help them survive and thrive. Some [...]

By |2017-08-09T19:42:35+00:00August 9, 2017|Adaptations|Comments Off on Adaptations and its Categories | Ecology | Branches | Biology

Responses of Organisms to Abiotic Factors of Ecology | Biology

1. Light: Light is the most important and indispensable physicochemical, abiotic ecological factor without which life cannot exist. Organisms get light from the Sun, Moon, stars, lightning, volcanoes and bioluminescent organisms. Among this light energy from the Sun is the most important in nearly all ecosystems. It is the energy that is used by green plants (which contain chlorophyll) during [...]

By |2017-08-09T19:42:34+00:00August 9, 2017|Ecology|Comments Off on Responses of Organisms to Abiotic Factors of Ecology | Biology
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