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Autocatalytic Function of DNA (With Diagram) | Genetics | Biology

The autocatalytic function is the capacity of DNA to make a copy of itself. This capacity is known as replication. Watson and Crick proposed a mechanism of replication on the basis of its double helical structure. According to them, the two strands were capable of unwinding and separating and acting as templates during the synthesis of a new nucleotide chain. [...]

By |2017-08-09T19:42:36+00:00August 9, 2017|DNA|Comments Off on Autocatalytic Function of DNA (With Diagram) | Genetics | Biology

Evidence to Prove DNA is Genetic Material | Genetics | Biology

The most conclusive evidences in support of DNA as the genetic material comes from different avenues of approach on microorganisms – transformation of bacteria and transduction involving bacteriophages. 1. Griffith's Experiment and Bacterial Transformation: In 1928, Frederick Griffith, an English bacteriologist conducted transformation experiments on two strains of bacterium, Streptococcus pneumoniae (Diplococcus). The two strains are as follows: a. Smooth [...]

By |2017-08-09T19:42:36+00:00August 9, 2017|DNA|Comments Off on Evidence to Prove DNA is Genetic Material | Genetics | Biology

Transcription: Meaning and Mechanisms (With Diagram) | Genetics | Biology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Transcription 2. Mechanism of Transcription 3. Transcription in Eukaryotes. Meaning of Transcription: Transcription is the process by which a complementary RNA strand is synthesised from a specific region of DNA. The three different types of RNA are transcribed from different regions of DNA. The genes that transcribe mRNA are called [...]

By |2017-08-09T19:42:36+00:00August 9, 2017|Transcription|Comments Off on Transcription: Meaning and Mechanisms (With Diagram) | Genetics | Biology
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