Tag Archives | Blood

Term Paper on Blood Donation | Blood | Body Fluids | Biology

Here is a term paper on ‘Blood Donation’. Find paragraphs, long and short term papers on ‘Blood Donation’ especially written for college and paramedical students. Term Paper on Blood Donation Term Paper Contents: Term Paper on the Introduction to Blood Donation Term Paper on the Process of Blood Donation Term Paper of Blood Collection Procedure Term Paper on the Instructions [...]

By |2017-06-27T08:56:03+00:00June 27, 2017|Blood Donation|Comments Off on Term Paper on Blood Donation | Blood | Body Fluids | Biology

Plan of Investigation for Anaemia | Types | Blood Diseases | Biology

The first and foremost investigation in any suspected case of anaemia is to carry out the hemoglobin estimation. Several methods are available but most reliable and accurate is the cyanmethaemoglobin (HiCN) method employing Drabkin's solution and a spectrophotom­eter. If the hemoglobin value is below the lower limit of the normal range for particular age and sex, the patient is said [...]

By |2017-06-27T08:56:02+00:00June 27, 2017|Anaemia|Comments Off on Plan of Investigation for Anaemia | Types | Blood Diseases | Biology

Top 4 Indices of Red Blood Cells (RBC) | Types | Blood Cells | Biology

The following points highlight the top four indices of red blood cells. The indices are: 1. Mean Cell Volume 2. Increased MCV 3. Decreased MCV 4. Mean Cell Hemoglobin. 1. Mean Cell Volume (MCV): The mean cell volume indicates the volume of the "average" red cell in a sample. It is expressed in femtoliters (fl; 10-15 liters). Traditionally, MCV was [...]

By |2017-06-27T08:56:02+00:00June 27, 2017|Blood Cells|Comments Off on Top 4 Indices of Red Blood Cells (RBC) | Types | Blood Cells | Biology
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