Tag Archives | Biometry

Study Notes on Analysis of Variance | Biometry

The below mentioned article provides a study note on analysis of variance. The classical technique for comparing the two sample means is based on student's 't' test, but a different statistical technique, analysis of variance, is required when analysis of data of three or more experimental or field samples are involved. For example, a plant physiologist investigating the effect of [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:37+00:00November 2, 2016|Biometry|Comments Off on Study Notes on Analysis of Variance | Biometry

Study Notes on Probability | Biometry

The below mentioned article provides a study note on probability. The measurement of relative chance of occurrence of an event from among a set of alternatives can be defined as probability. When in an experiment there are chances of occurrence of many events then the question of probability arises. Such as, if a coin is tossed then either 'head' or [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:36+00:00November 2, 2016|Biometry|Comments Off on Study Notes on Probability | Biometry

Study Notes on Regression | Statistics

The below mentioned article provides a study note on regression. Regression is used to denote the estimation and prediction of the average value of one variable for a specified value of the other variable. This estimation is done by derivĀ­ing a suitable equation on the basis of available bivariate data. This equation is called Regression equation and its geometrical representation [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:36+00:00November 2, 2016|Genetics|Comments Off on Study Notes on Regression | Statistics
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