Tag Archives | Bio-Monitoring

9 Main Criteria’s for Evaluating Biomarkers | Bio-Monitoring

This article throws light upon the nine criteria's to be considered for evaluating biomarkers. The criteria's are: 1. Biological Specificity 2. Clarity of Interpretation 3. Time of Responses 4. Permanence of Response 5. Reliability 6. Methodological Considerations 7. Relative Sensitivity 8. Validation in the Field 9. Linkage to Higher Level Effects. Criteria # 1. Biological Specificity: It important to know [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:36+00:00December 13, 2016|Bio-Monitoring|Comments Off on 9 Main Criteria’s for Evaluating Biomarkers | Bio-Monitoring

Bio-Monitoring of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystem

After reading this article you will learn about the bio-monitoring of aquatic ecosystem and terrestrial ecosystem. Bio-Monitoring of Aquatic Ecosystem: Among the different ecosystems, the water bod­ies constitute the major types of living environ­ment, as over seventy per cent of the planetary ecosystem is located in different types of water bodes viz. inland water ecosystems, oceanic sys­tem and estuarine ecosystems. [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:36+00:00December 13, 2016|Ecosystem|Comments Off on Bio-Monitoring of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystem

Notes on Biosensors | Bio-Monitoring

This article provides notes on biosensors. Biosensors are analytical devices that show poten­tial for development in the clinical, diagnostic, food analysis, process control, and environmental ar­eas. Examples of commercially available biosensors include enzyme electrode biosensors for detection of glucose in blood and single analytes in food, as well as biological oxygen de­mand (BOD) in waste water. Biosensors histori­cally have been [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:32+00:00December 13, 2016|Bio-Monitoring|Comments Off on Notes on Biosensors | Bio-Monitoring
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