Tag Archives | Bacteria

Heavy Metal Tolerance in Microbes | Microbiology

Algae, bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, higher plants, cyanobacteria., are the major microorganisms reported to tolerate heavy metals which universally occur in diverse ecosystems with meaning frequency. 1. Algae: The species of Chlorella, Anabaena inaequalis, Westiellopsis prolifica, Stigeo clonium tenue, Synechococcus species, Selenastrum capricornutum etc. tolerate heavy metals. 2. Bacteria: Bacteria resistant to heavy metals were frequently isolated from environmental sources such [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:36:01+00:00December 12, 2016|Bacteria|Comments Off on Heavy Metal Tolerance in Microbes | Microbiology

Use of Recombinant DNA Technology| Microbiology

Genetic modification of rumen bacteria by using rDNA technology may improve the rate or extent of lignocellulolysis in the animal. The task of developing effective rDNA technology in rumen bacteria, particularly for improving lignocellulose digestion is complex. After the rate limiting steps have been defined, it is necessary to identify and clone suitable heterologous genes for insertion into a rumen [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:36:01+00:00December 12, 2016|Recombinant DNA Technology|Comments Off on Use of Recombinant DNA Technology| Microbiology

DNA Replication in Bacteria | Genetics

The work of J. Cairns demonstrated DNA replication in bacteria in an elegant way. He used high resolution autoradiography for observing the distribution of radioactive label in the "chromosomes" of dividing E. coli cells. The bacterial cells were grown on a medium containing tritiated thymidine. The labelled DNA was extracted from the cells and spread on EM grids. A very [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:24:39+00:00December 12, 2016|DNA Replication|Comments Off on DNA Replication in Bacteria | Genetics
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