Tag Archives | Arthropods

Why the Study of Arthropods is Necessary?

Get the answer of: Why the Study of Arthropods is Necessary? Academic Interest: Arthropods are many and they inhabit all sorts of environment. The study of these animals, therefore, can help the student to understand—What are the requirements of each kind of environ­ment and how can a living organism de­velop structural features to adjust with each way of life? The [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:56+00:00May 27, 2016|Articles|Comments Off on Why the Study of Arthropods is Necessary?

Excretory Organs of Arthropods

The following points highlight the thirteen main excretory organs found in arthropods. The excretory organs are: 1. Nephridia 2. Coxal Glands 3. Green Gland 4. Shell Glands 5. Malpighian Tubules 6. Hepatopancreas 7. Fat Body 8. Exoskeleton 9. Intestinal Caeca 10. Midgut Epithelium 11. Pericardial Cells 12. Nephrocytes 13. Oenocytes. Excretory Organ # 1. Nephridia: These are present in the [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:41+00:00May 27, 2016|Arthropods|Comments Off on Excretory Organs of Arthropods

Forms of Respiration among Arthropods

The following points highlight the two main forms of respiration among arthropods. The forms are: 1. Aquatic Respiration 2. Aerial Respiration. 1. Aquatic Respiration: The organs associated with aquatic respi­ration are: 1. Gills or Branchiae 2. Tracheal gills 3. Blood gills 4. Rectal gills 5. Book gills 6. Branchiostegite or gill cover 7. Epipodite and 8. Branchial basket. 1. Gills [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:39+00:00May 27, 2016|Arthropods|Comments Off on Forms of Respiration among Arthropods
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