Tag Archives | Antibiotics

Essay on Antibiotics and Its Types | Pharmacology

In this essay we will discuss about antibiotics and its types. Essay # 1. Meaning of Antibiotics: Antibiotics (Gk. anti = against, bios = life) constitute the major part of chemotherapeutic agents of modern times that are used for treatment of diseases. They were defined by S.A. Waksman in 1945 as chemical substances produced by microorganisms which can kill or [...]

By |2017-04-07T06:05:25+00:00April 7, 2017|Antibiotics|Comments Off on Essay on Antibiotics and Its Types | Pharmacology

Antibiotics and Its Production (With Diagram) | Microbiology

'The antibiotics' are secondary metabolites or biochemical secreted by microorganisms which, ' in low concentration, inhibit the growth or kill other microorganisms, i.e., the antibiotics are 'antimicrobial agents of microbial origin'. Although some 6,000 antibiotics are known to exist, only about 100 are marketed. About 200 new antibiotics are discovered every year. Microorganisms belonging to three orders viz., Eubacteriales, Actinomyces [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:24+00:00December 20, 2016|Microorganisms|Comments Off on Antibiotics and Its Production (With Diagram) | Microbiology

List of Top 3 Antibiotics | Microbiology

Here is a list of top three antibiotics:- 1. Penicillins 2. Tetracyclines and Chloramphenicol 3. Streptomycin. 1. Penicillins: Penicillins, a group of several penicillin, differ from one another in the side chain attached to its amino group. Most of these penicillins are 6-aminopenicillanic acid de­rivatives and all have β-lactam ring which is responsible for the antibiotic activity (Fig. 20.16). Pencillin [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:04:31+00:00November 28, 2016|Antibiotics|Comments Off on List of Top 3 Antibiotics | Microbiology
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