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Locomotion Exhibited by Protozoans

The following points highlight the three main types of locomotion exhibited by protozoans. The types of locomotion are: 1. Amoeboid Movement 2. Flagellar Movement 3. Ciliary Movement. Protozoans: Type of Locomotion # 1. Amoeboid Movement: In Amoeba, movement of the animal is made by the throwing of pseudopodium (Fig. 10.60), called amoeboid movement. This is the most primitive kind of [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:35:53+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Locomotion Exhibited by Protozoans

3 Main Classes of Phylum Porifera

The following points highlight the three main classes of Phylum Porifera. The three classes are: 1. Calcarea or Calcispongiae— (Calcareous Sponges) 2. Hexactinellida or Triaxonida or Hyalospongiae—(Glass Sponge) 3. Demospongiae. Phylum Porifera: Class # 1. Calcarea or Calcispongiae— (Calcareous Sponges): [Calcarea, L. Calcarious = limy, Calcispongiae, L. Calcis = genitive of calx = lime or chalk] Features: (i) Exclusively marine, [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:35:53+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Porifera|Comments Off on 3 Main Classes of Phylum Porifera

Sponges: Definition, Features and Habitat | Phylum Porifera

In this article we will discuss about Sponges:- 1. Taxonomic Retrospect of Sponges 2. Definition and Origin of Sponges 3. General Features 4. Habitat 5. Structural Peculiarities 6. Development 7. Affinities 8. Regeneration 9. Phylogeny. Contents: Taxonomic Retrospect of Sponges Definition and Origin of Sponges General Features of Sponges Habitat of Sponges Structural Peculiarities of Sponges Development of Sponges Affinities [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:35:53+00:00May 27, 2016|Sponges|Comments Off on Sponges: Definition, Features and Habitat | Phylum Porifera
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