Tag Archives | Articles on Animals

Morgan’s Work on Drosophila | Genetics

In the early decades of the twentieth century T.H. Morgan and his associates A.H. Sturtevant, H.J. Muller, C.B. Bridges and a few others at Columbia University, New York were actively engaged in studies on Chromosome Theory of Heredity with a very suitable material Drosophila. From their studies on mutants in Drosophila they could assign several genes to chromosomes. For their [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:24:42+00:00December 12, 2016|Genetics|Comments Off on Morgan’s Work on Drosophila | Genetics

Types of Germinal Layers : 2 Types | Animals

The following points highlight the two types of germinal layers of the animals. The types are: 1. Segmentation 2. Development. Germinal Layers: Type # 1. Segmentation: Segmentation is division or differentiation of the body into distinct portions called segments. It is of two types: metameric segmentation and pseudo­-metamerism. I. Metameric Segmentation (True metamerism or True segmentation): It is a type [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:05+00:00December 12, 2016|Animals|Comments Off on Types of Germinal Layers : 2 Types | Animals

Types of Eggs of Various Animals: 2 Types

The following points highlight the two types of eggs. The types are: 1. Eggs Based on Quantity of Yolk 2. Eggs Based on Distribution of Yolk in Cytoplasm. Type # 1. Eggs Based on Quantity of Yolk:  1. Microlecithal Eggs: They contain very small amount of yolk, e.g. eggs of Sea urchin, Herdmania, amphioxus. The eggs of man contain very [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:05+00:00December 12, 2016|Animals|Comments Off on Types of Eggs of Various Animals: 2 Types
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