The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between primary succession and secondary succession.

Primary Succession:

1. It occurs in an area which has been bare from the beginning.

2. Soil is absent at the time of beginning of primary succession.

3. There is not humus in the beginning.

4. Reproductive structures of any previous community are absent.

5. Pioneer community comes from outside.

6. Seral communities are many.

7. Primary succession takes a long time for completion, 1000 years or more.

Secondary Succession:

1. Secondary succession occurs in an area which has been denuded recently.

2. Soil is present in the area where secondary succession begins.

3. Humus is present before the very beginning.

4. Reproductive structures of the previous occupants are present in the area.

5. Pioneer community develops partly from previous occupants and partly from migrants.

6. Seral communities are a few.

7. Secondary succession takes less time for completion, 50-200 years.

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