The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between pseudophyllidean cestodes and cyclophyllidean cestodes.

(a) Pseudophyllidean Cestode has:

(i) Two slit-like grooves (bothria);

(ii) No branching uterus;

(iii) Uterine pore;

(iv) Common genital pore lying ventrally the middle line;

(v) Operculated egg hatching out ciliated larvae.

(b) Cyclophyllidean Cestode has:

(i) Fourcup-like suckers;

(ii) Uterus with lateral branches;

(iii) No uterine pore;

(iv) A laterally situated common genital pore;

(v) Non-operculated eggs which do not hatch out ciliated larvae.

Pseudophyllidean Tapeworms of Man:

Super family Bothriocephaloidea.

Genus Diphyllobothrium.

Species Diphyllobothrium latum.

Pseudophyllidean Cestodes have:

(a) Long chain of segments;

(b) Head bearing two slit-like grooves called bothriar,

(c) Ventrally situated genital pores, not marginal (three genital orifices in each segment one male orifice and two female orifices);

(d) Scattered vitelline glands in the parenchyma;

(e) Uterus opening to the exterior through which eggs come out;

(f) Operculated eggs which can develop only in water and give rise to a single ciliated embryo (first stage larva – coracidium);

(g) Two more larval development stages – the second stage larva is called Procercoid and the third stage larve Plerocercoidin fish flesh.

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