The following points highlight the thirteen main medicinal plants with its uses. The medicinal plants are: 1. Atropa 2. Camphor 3. Cinchona 4. Dhatura 5. Eucalyptus 6. Holarrhena 7. Isapgol 8. Mamira 9. Nux-Vomica 10. Papaver 11. Peppermint 12. Sarpgandha 13. Vasaka.

Medicinal Plant # 1. Atropa:

Botanical name: Atropa belladonna Linn.

Family: Solanaceae.

Plant part used: Leaves and Roots.


1. The drug obtained from leaves is very much powerful and contains alkaloids like atropine, homatropine and scopolamine etc.

2. Atropine is sedative, and antispasmodic and myotriative in eye problems.

3. Roots and leaves are used as diuretic, sedative, and narcotic.

4. Berries are highly poisonous.

Medicinal Plant # 2. Camphor:

Botanical name: Cinnamomum camphora Nees & Eberm.

Family: Lauraceae

Plant part used: Leaves, flowers, tender parts etc.


1. Externally applied for bruises, Sprain, inflammation

2. It is Sedative, antispasmodic and anthelmintic

3. It is good for cold and diarrhoea (result of cold).

Medicinal Plant # 3. Cinchona:

Botanical name: Cinchona sp.

Family: Rubiaceae

Plant part used: Bark

Yellow Cinchona bark (Cinchona calisaya), Pale brown cinchona bark (C. ledgerina), Red cinchona bark (C. succirubra) and C. robusta introduced and acclemetized in India.


1. The bark has alkaloid like quine, quinidine, cinchonine etc., used in Malay fever as antipyretic.

2. It is also used in hey fever, whooping cough, septic fever, pneumonia, acute nasal trouble etc.

Medicinal Plant # 4. Dhatura:

Botanical name: Datura alba

Family: Solanaceae

Plant part used: Seed, Root, Leaves.

1. Seeds given in elephantasis, discharge from ear.

2. Extract of leaves or seed oil is given in rheumatic swellings, pains, boils and tumors.

3. Roots are boiled and used with butter in insanity.

4. Plant parts are given in skin diseases, diarrhoea, cerebral complications and fever with catarrah.

Medicinal Plant # 5. Eucalyptus:

Botanical name: Eucalyptus citriodora Hook

Family: Myrtaceae

Plant part used: Leaves


1. Essential oil extracted from leaves have antiseptic, stimulant, anthelmintic properties.

2. It increases flow of saliva, gastric and intestinal juice resulting in appetite increase and digestion.

3. It increases heart beat and lower arterial tension.

4. Large doses or toxic doses are narcotic, paralyping respiratory center in the medulla.

Medicinal Plant # 6. Holarrhena:

Botanical name: Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall.

Family: Apocyanaceae

Plant part used: Bark


1. Bark used as tonic and febrifuge.

2. It has Antidysenteric properties.

3. It is used in piles, leprosy etc.

4. Seeds used as antidote for poison and snake bite.

Medicinal Plant # 7. Isapgol:

Botanical name: Plantago ovata Forsk.

Family: Plantaginaceae.

Plant parts used: Fruit, husk or seed coat.


1. It is used in chronic constipation, gastrointestinal or genito-urinal tract problems.

2. Seed arid seedcoat contain a mucilage.

3. It acts as cooling, diuretic, expectorant.

Medicinal Plant # 8. Mamira:

Botanical name: Thalictrum foliolosum DC.

Family: Ranunculaceae.

Plant part used: Root bark.


1. Root contains barberine.

2. Used in eyes as surma.

Botanical name: Coptis teeta wall.

Family: Ranunculaceae.

Plant part used: Yellowish rhizome.


1. As surma

2. Other medicinal uses are as antidiabetic, carminative, febrifuge, ophthalmic, appetiser etc.

Medicinal Plant # 9. Nux-Vomica:

Botanical name: Strychnos nux-vomica L.

Family: Loganiaceae.

Plant part used: Seeds.


1. Seeds contain alkloid strychnine

2. In control dosage it relieves paralysis by stimulating central nervous system.

3. It has toxic and medicinal properties due to strychnine and Brucine.

Medicinal Plant # 10. Papaver (Opium):

Botanical name: Papaver somniferum L.

Family: Papaveraceae

Part used: Latex of unripe fruits.


1. Latex of opium contains many alkaloids like codeine, morphine, papaverine, narcotine etc. Morphine is highly poisonous.

2. In controlled doses, it is very effective medicine as hypnotic drug.

3. It is used in relieving pain after surgery, delivery etc.

4. Poppy heads are used for diarrhoea, dysentery etc.

5. Roasted seeds are used as tonic.

Medicinal Plant # 11. Peppermint:

Botanical name: Mentha piperata Linn.

Family: Lamiaceae

Plant part used: Volatile oil of plant.


1. The volatile oil obtained from the plant is used as antiseptic, carminative and stimulant.

2. It is used for nausea, flatulence, vomitting and sickness.

3. It is used locally for headaches.

Medicinal Plant # 12. Sarpgandha:

Botanical name: Rauwolfia serpentina (Linn.) Benth ex. Kurg.

Family: Apocynaceae

Plant part used: Roots


1. Roots contain alkaloids like reserpine, serpentinine etc.

2. It is antidote for snakebite.

3. Reserpine terminates the schizophrenia like symptoms from LSD and mental ailments.

4. Decoction of roots is given to increase uterine contraction.

5. It is a good medicine in Blood pressure.

Medicinal Plant # 13. Vasaka:

Botanical name: Adhatoda vasica Nees.

Family: Acanthaceae.

Plant part used: Leaves


1. Leaves contain vascine (alkaloid).

2. It is a powerful expectorant and antisplasmodic.

3. Used in phthisis (chest diseased).

4. Decoction of leaves or powder is used in chronic bronchitis and Asthma.

Important Medicinal Plants

Important Medicinal Plants

Important Medicinal Plants

Important Medicinal Plants

Important Medicinal Plants

Important Medicinal Plants

Important Medicinal Plants

Important Medicinal Plants

Important Medicinal Plants

Important Medicinal Plants