In this article we will discuss about the parasitic effects of Ascaris Lumbricoides with its treatment and prevention.

Pathogenicity or Parasitic Effects of Ascaris Lumbricoides:

As many as 500 to 5,000 adult Ascaris Lumbricoides may be present in a single host and they may cause abdominal discomforts and colic pains accompanied with diarrhoea, vomiting, and a slight temperature.

They may block the intestine and appendix. Because of their habit of wandering in the gut, they may enter the bile or pancreatic ducts and interfere with digestion, or they may injure the intestine and cause peritonitis. At times they wander into the nose.

They produce toxins which irritate the mucous membrane of the gut, or prevent digestion of proteins by the host by destroying trypsin, or they may cause general nervousness, delirium or convulsions. In children where infection is more common they dull the mental capacity and stunt growth.

Their juveniles cause inflammation and haemorrhage in the lungs which results in pneumonia which may prove fatal. The disease caused by Ascaris Lumbricoides is generally referred to as ascariasis.

Treatment of Ascaris Lumbricoides:

A mixture of oil of chenopodium and tetrachloroethylene is good; but one gm of hexylresorcinol in a gelatine capsule with fasting for 12 hours before treatment and 4 hours afterwards, followed by a purgative removes about 95% of Ascaris infection. Other anti-helminth drugs like hetrazan, piperazine hydrate or citrate, tetramezole and dithiazanine are used successfully for the treatment of ascariasis these days.

Parasitic Effects of Life Cycle of Ascaris Lumbricoides

Life Cycle of Ascaris Lumbricoides

Prophylaxis (Prevention) of Ascaris Lumbricoides:

Keeping good sanitary conditions is the only way to prevent the infection of Ascaris Lumbricoides. However, pollution of soil with human faeces should be avoided, vegetables should be thoroughly washed (preferably in a mild solution of KMnO4) and properly cooked before use, raw vegetables and nuts should not be used, finger nails should be regularly cut to avoid the collection of dirt and eggs below them, hands should be properly washed with some antiseptic soap before touching edibles or eating.