In this article we will discuss about the hormonal changes that take place during adolescence.

Hormonal Changes in Girls:

1. The theca cells of the ovaries begin to produce estrogen and smaller amount of progesterone

2. Rising levels of estradiol produce the characteristic body changes in females such as acceleration of bone maturation, breast growth, increased fat deposition, growth of the uterus and widening of the lower pelvis

3. The estradiol levels gradually rise and a point of maturation is reached and it allows the LH surge which is necessary for ovulation

4. Levels of adrenal androgens and testosterone increase during puberty, producing the typical androgenic changes of female puberty such as pubic hair, body odour, acne

5. Growth hormone levels rise steadily throughout puberty. IGF-1 levels rise and then decline as puberty ends. Growth finishes and adult height is attained

Hormonal Changes in Boys:

1. Early stages of male hypothalamic maturation are similar to the early stages of female puberty, though occurring about 1-2 years later

2. LH stimulates the Leydig cells of the testes to pro­duce testosterone. Secretions of testosterone is higher at night than daytime

3. The testosterone levels rises slowly. The androgen receptors in the target tissues convert it to dihydro- testosterone.

4. A significant portion of testosterone in adolescent boys is converted to estradiol. Estradiol mediates the growth spurt, bone maturation just as in girls.

5. Estradiol also induces at least modest development of breast tissue (gynecomastia) in a large proportion of boys.

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