Read this essay to learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Meaning of TCM 2. Components of TCM 3. Major Clinical Applications 4. Role of Indigenous Medicinal Plants 5. Challenges Faced 6. Status of TCM in China and Its Role in Economy.


  1. Essay on Meaning of TCM
  2. Essay on Components of TCM
  3. Essay on Major Clinical Applications of TCM
  4. Essay on Role of Indigenous Medicinal Plants in TCM
  5. Essay on Challenges Faced by TCM
  6. Essay on Status of TCM in China and Its Role in Economy.

Essay # Meaning of TCM:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an inclu­sive coordination of medical contemplation, pathophysiological concepts and therapeutic in­terventions, that develops out of the matrix of Chi­nese civilization over a period spanning more than 4000 years.

Chinese medicinal system has gotten its debut by taking references from Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine based on the idea that all life is subjected to natural laws and Yin-Yang theory.

These two theories were developed separately and differ in terms of diagnosis and therapy. The primary modality of TCM is the use of an extensive Pharmacopoeia of over 6000 herbal and other natural products for the preventions and treatment of diseases and the promotion of health.

TCM has been spread to Ja­pan and Korea earlier during post-cultural revolu­tion and gained its popularity as Kampoh system of medicine. Although it has developed its own characters giving due impor­tance of the styles of corresponding countries their simplicity and spontaneity, still the basic ideas remain alike. Even in USA, TCM has gained its acceptability now a day.

Essay # Components of TCM:

TCM has four main mechanisms: acupuncture, herbal medicine, tui na and qi gong. Herbal medi­cines are generally delivered in compound for­mulae specially formulated for a clinical syndrome or collection of symptoms. Tui na is the ancient Chinese massage used for lymphatic drainage and muscle rejuvenation. Qi gong is the practice of energy movement in the body through physical movement.

The general theory of acupuncture is based on the principle that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. Aberration of this flow is believed to be responsible for disease condi­tion.

Acupuncture is used to correct imbalances if Qi flow at particular anatomical locations just below the skin, the acupuncture points, by the stimulation of a variety of techniques. The studied mechanism of stimulation of acupuncture points employees penetration of the skin by thin, solid, specially tipped, metallic needles, which are ma­nipulated manually or by electrical current.

Essay # Major Clinical Applications of TCM:

TCM has found its utility to alleviate the ailments like hypertension and other cardiovascular dis­eases, allergic condition, respiratory illness like asthma, gastrointestinal complaint such as gastric and irritable bowel syndrome, muscular skeletal conditions such as low back and neck pain, in­flammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis, au­toimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, men­strual complaints such as premenstrual syndrome, endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism and type II diabetes, and dermatological conditions like eczema.

In addition to a positive clinical-thera­peutic outcome, reported benefits to patients com­prise evasion of toxic side effects of drugs, accel­erated healing process, enhanced immunity, re­duction of stress, neuro-endocrine balancing lead to greater sense of well-being.

Essay # Role of Indigenous Medicinal Plants in TCM:

Chinese herbal medicine is a major part of Chi­nese therapeutics both in nutrition and as a form of drug therapy. The vast majority of tradi­tional Chinese drugs are of botanical origin with less than 10% being of animal and mineral origin.

Some drugs are consumed as foods and are also used for health promotion or treatment of diseases depending on the dose. TCM practioners employ single herbs and formulations with multiple herbs to treat the ailments.

List of some important medicinal plants are used in Chinese medicine:  

Acanthopanax gracilistylus − Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, strengthen the sinews and bones, used for rheumatoid arthritis chronic wind damp painful obstruction with defi­ciency of the liver and the kid­ney. Cardiotonic, anti-inflamma­tory, anti-shock analgesic, tranquilizing effects. It also increases blood pressure.

Alisma orientate − Diuretic, antidiabetic, hy­potensive and stimulant agent. Used for difficult urina­tion, edema, diarrhoea, dizzi­ness caused by congested phlegm.

Allium macrostemon − Used for cough, weezing, chest pain caused by stagna­tion, dysentery like disorder.

Andrographis paniculata − Antibiotic, antiviral effects, dried dampness, uses for pul­monary abscesses, pharyngi­tis, dysentery, snakebite, car­buncles.

Angelica pubescens − Tranquilizing, hypnotic, anal­gesic, antihypertensive. Used for wind cold dampful obstruc­tion.

Areca catechu − Antiparasitic, antifungal, anti­viral effect.

Aristolochia manshuriensis − Diuretic effect. Drains the heart and promotes lactation. Used for painful scanty urine, mouth ulcers, and irritability.

Artemisia apiacea − Antibiotic, antimalarial, sum­mer heat syndrome, deficiency fever.

Asarum heterotropoides – Antipyretic, analgesic antibiotic effects. Used for headache, toothache, mouth ulcer.

Astragalus membranaceus – Immunostimulant, diuretic, increase the contract of heart, hypotensive, antiaging effect.

Atractylodis lancea – Strengths the spleen and dried dampness, used in night blindness and keratomalacia.

Belamcanda chinensis – Antiviral antifungal, increase secretion of saliva, expels phlegm, benefits throats, used for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis.

Bletilla striata − Shorten the thrombin time, inhibits fibrinolysis and in­creases platelets counts. An­tibiotic effect. Used for bleed­ing from lung and stomach, bleeding caused by traumatic injuries, bleeding ulcers, chapped skin, pulmonary ab­scess.

Buthus martensi − Anticonvulsive, tranquilizing effects, hypotensive. Relax­ation effect on skeletal muscles. Used for acute or chronic infantile convulsion, facial paralysis, tetanus, car­buncle, migraine, headache.

Cannabis sativa − Nourishes and moistens the intestine. Used for constipa­tion from deficient blood or deficiency of body fluid and chronic constipation.

Catharanthus tintorius − Stimulates the contraction of the uterus. Lower cholesterol levels. Used for dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, post­partum abdominal pain and angina pectoris.

Chaenomeles lagenaria − Anti-inflammatory effect Comforts the sinews and ac­tivates the channels. Used for wind damp painful obstruc­tion, abdominal pain, vomit­ing, spasm, and diarrhoea.

Cinnamomum cassia − Antibiotic, antipyretic, diuretic effects. Warms the channels disperses cold, strengthen heart. Used for edema and dysmenorrhoea.

Citrus aurantium − Anti-shock, diuretic effect, hypertensive, increases the intensity and frequencies of peristalsis, excites uterus. Used for food stagnation constipation, gastopsis

Citrus sarcodactylis – Antispasmodic effect on duodenal spasm, used for chronic cough with diffused phlegm.

Croton sarcodactylis − Laxative, expels phlegm, eiplepsy.

Curcuma zedoaria − Antineoplastic, cardiovascu­lar effects. Inhibit early preg­nancy.

Dryobaianops aromatic − Antianginal, antibiotic effects. Clears heart and alleviates pain. Used for fainting, con­vulsion, boils, sore throat, muscle ulcer.

Eudia rutaecarpa − Antibiotic, analgesic, hy­potensive, used for cold epigastris and abdominal pain, chronic diarrhoea.

Euphorbia kansui − Laxative expels water and reduce swelling, used for edema ascitis, pleurisy, intes­tinal obstruction and epilepsy.

Forsythia suspense − Antimicrobial, antiemetic, di­uretic, cardiotonic effects. Used for carbuncles and ton­sillitis.

Gardenia jesminoides − Antibiotic effect, used for fibril disease, jaundice, epistaxsis, haematuria, trauma

Gentiana macrophylla − Anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic, antibiotic effects. Used for rheumatic arthritis.

Hedyotis diffusa − Antineoplastic, analgesic ef­fect. Clear heat poisons, re­duces abscesses, car­buncles, and snake bite.

Hordeum vulgare − Dissolve food stagnation, strengthen the stomach, re­strains lactation.

Imperata cylindrical − Haemostatic, antibiotic, cools blood, used for nephritis, jaundice.

Isatis tinctoria − Antimicrobial, antiviral effects. Used for influenza, mumps, sore throat.

Leonurus heterophyllus − Stimulates the contraction of uterus. Antianginal, sedative effects. Promotes urination, used for irregular menstrua­tion, postpartum abdominal pain, traumatic injuries, edema.

Lindera strychnifolia − Increases peristalsis, relieve flatulence, antibody effects.

Lonicera japonica − Antibiotic, antiviral, anti-in­flammatory, antipyretic. Used for wind heat exterior syn­drome.

Lysimachia christinae − Diuretic, increase the secre­tion of bile, used for acute hepatitis, jaundice, painful scanty urine, biliary and uri­nary stones, snake bite.

Magnolia officinalis − Antimicrobial, antiviral, purga­tive.

Melia toosendam − Antimicrobial effects, antispasmodic.

Mentha haplocalyx − Antibiotic, antipyretic, dia­phoretic effects. Used for measles.

Morus alba − Endocrine, hypoglycemic ef­fects. Promotes the healing of sores. Clears the liver and eyes used for cough, acute conjunctivitis.

Panax notoginseng − Shorten bleeding time and thrombin time. Lower blood pressure, antibiotic and an­tidiabetic effect.

Patrinia scabiosaefolia − Antibiotic, antiviral, expels pus. Used for acute appendi­citis, pulmonary abscesses and carbuncles.

Perilla frutescens − Antipyretic, antibiotic, used for restless fetus or morning sick­ness.

Phragmites communis − Antidiabetic effect. Clears heat and generate fluid. Stops vomiting, used for high fever, pulmonary abscesses.

Pinellia temate − Antitussive, antiemetic ef­fects. Dissipates lumps and reduces distension. Used for cough with profuse phlegm, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, stuffiness in the chest, scrofula.

Plantago asiatica − Diuretic, expectorant, antitus­sive, hypotensive. Used for vertigo, cataract.

Pogostemon cavlin − Antibiotic effect, promotes the secretion of gastric juice, an­tiemetic.

Polygonum cuspidatum − Antibiotic, antiviral, expecto­rant and antitussive effects. Used foramenorrhoea, rheu­matic arthritis, traumatic inju­ries, damp heat jaundice, bums, boils, carbuncles, sores, lung heat cough, con­stipation.

Poria cocos − Diuretic, tranquilizer, hypogly­cemic. Used for difficult urina­tion, congested fluid, deficient spleen syndrome, and insom­nia.

Prunella vulgaris − Antibiotic effect, decreases blood pressure, used for acute conjunctivitis, goiter.

Prunus humilis − Moistens and moves stools, promotes urination.

Pueraria lobata − Antispasmodic, antipyretic, antidiabetic effects. De­creases blood pressure, nourishes the fluids used for fever, damp heat diarrhoea.

Raphanus sativa − Antimicrobial antifungal, used for Gl disorder.

Rheum palmatum − Purgative, antimicrobial, cholagogic and haemostatic effects. Jaundice, amenor- rhoea, appendicitis.

Rubia cordifolia − Shorten thrombin time, anti­tussive, expectorant and an­tibiotic effect. Used for various types of bleeding, dysmenorrhoea, traumatic injury.

Salvia miltiorrhiza − Cardiovascular, hypoglyce­mic, sedative effects. De­creases serum cholesterol levels. Used for amenorrhoea, post­partum abdominal, abdomi­nal masses, boils, car­buncles, high fever, delirium palpitation, insomnia, angina pectoris.

Sargasum pallidum − Antifungal and hypotensive effects. Soften hard masses, pro­motes urination. Used for thy­roid disorders, scrofula, edema.

Schizonepata tenufolia − Diaphoratic, haemostatic ef­fects, releases exterior and , expel wind. Used for wind cold exterior syndrome. Measles, epistaxis, menorrhoea.

Smilax glabra − Detoxifies fire poison, used for syphilis, painful scanty urine and carbuncles.

Sophora japonica − Haemostatic, antihyperten­sive, anti-inflammatory effect. Relieve intestinal spasms, cools the blood, used for bloody stool.

Traxacum mongolicum − Antimicrobial antibiotic, di­uretic, cholagogic effect. Used for breast and intestinal abscesses, jaundice, car­buncles and sores.

Trichosanthes kirilowii − Abortive effect. Promote decharge of pus. Used for high fever with thrust, cough, sores, carbuncles.

Tussilago farfara − Expectorant, antitussive, antiasthmatic effects. Used for various types of cough.

Uncaria rhynchophylla − Antihypertensive, sedative, antispasmodic effects. Used for epilepsy, tremors, seizures from liver wind.

Viola yedoensis − Antimicrobial effect, clear heat and detoxifies fire poi­sons, used for breast and in­testinal abscesses, car­buncles, mumps and snake bite.

Viscum coloratum − Diuretic, antiviral, hypoten­sive. Used for arthritis, lower back pain, threatened abor­tion.

Zingiber officinale − Diaphoretic, antibiotic. In­crease the secretion of gas­tric juice. Alleviates coughing. Stop vomiting, reduces poi­sonous effect of other herbs.

Zizipus jujube − Sedative, hypnotic, antispas­modic, analgesic effects. Used for insomnia, palpitation caused by deficient blood of liver and heart. Also used for spontaneous sweating and night sweating.

Essay # Challenge Faced By TCM:

Although enormous progress has been made in expansion of TCM industry but industry is clearly facing problems related to sustainability and in­ternational competitiveness.

Major problems as­sociated with TCM are:

1. Lack of breakthrough in basic science of TCM.

2. Lack of criteria for clinical diagnosis and evaluation.

3. Problem associated with quality control of TCM formulations.

4. Increase over exploitation of herbal resources.

In order to overcome aforementioned chal­lenges following measures were suggested to be taken for meeting solution (The State Administra­tion of traditional Chinese medicine of the People’s Republic of China, 1997).

1. Development of innovative network for TCM. It includes TCM related research, clinical stud­ies, development, production sales and man­agement to demand best product.

2. Development of modern methodologies tech­nologies and standards.

3. Maintenance of herbal resources. It is related to reproduction, cultivation, germ protection, dynamic monitoring as well as alerting herbal resources.

4. Strengthening international collaboration. It may promote scientific collaborations, ex­changes.

Essay # Status of TCM in China and Its Role in Economy:

There are more than 2800 TCM hospitals in China provide one third of total outpatient medical care of country. In addition there is a well-established training system for TCM professionals with 27 colleges and 44 departments in universities and medical colleges, teaching 6,00,000 students.

There are also about 100 research based institutes for TCM, hosting more than 11,000 scholars to provide more acceptable outcome. TCM indus­try is well developed in China in term of provid­ing infrastructure, manpower, innovative ability and market. Infrastructure includes TCM medical network, training and research systems. Innova­tive capacity in TCM is reflected by the augment in number of molecular development of newer drugs.

Data showed between 2003 and 2004, about 203 new and licensed drug molecules were discovered. For quality control they are using modern stylish analytical techniques like HPLC and HPTLC fingerprints for standardization of products.

As per national economy of China TCM is most rapidly expanding field. In the year of 2004, industrial output was 95.8 billion RMB (50 times higher than it was in 1978), 2003-2004 output was considered 19-23% of total pharmaceutical output whereas percentage of sales was 25-30%. About 11 TCM pharmaceutical companies have annual sales over 1 billion YMB. Among them two have annual sales over 5 billion YMB.
