Archive | Water

Pollutants of Water

Global water resources today is extremely polluted due to a number of reasons. The pollutants may be various inorganic salts, metals, pesticides, oil & grease, aromatics and also a variety of pathogenic organisms. Most of the surface fresh water bodĀ­ies, ground water, and coastal marine water gets polluted over the years. The major water pollutĀ­ants and their sources are depicted [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:31+00:00December 13, 2016|Water Pollutants|Comments Off on Pollutants of Water

Purification of Water: 3 Methods | Microbiology

The following points highlight the top three methods adopted for purification of water. The methods are: 1. Sedimentation 2. Filtration 3. Disinfection. Method # 1. Sedimentation: Sedimentation is done when water consists of large sized organic materials such as leaves, and gravels which have run off from the soil. Suspended particles settle down depending on their size and weight and [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:03:51+00:00November 28, 2016|Water|Comments Off on Purification of Water: 3 Methods | Microbiology

Determining the Presence of Coliforms in Water | Microbiology

The following points highlight the top four tests for the presence of coliforms in water. The tests are: 1. Sanitary Tests for Coliforms 2. The Most Probable Number of Coliforms 3. The Defined Substrate Test 4.IMViC Tests. Test # 1. Sanitary Tests for Coliforms: The original test for the presence of coliform in water is done by standard multiple tube [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:03:51+00:00November 28, 2016|Water|Comments Off on Determining the Presence of Coliforms in Water | Microbiology
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