Archive | Veterinary Pharmacology

Sulfonamides: Chemistry, Classification and Adverse Reactions | Animals

Sulfonamides are synthetic chemotherapeutic agents. They were in common use as antimicrobial drugs prior to the advent of antibiotics. Frequent development of cross drug resistance in bacteria isolated from animals has now-a-days reduced their clinical values. Recently their use in combination with trimethoprim or orimethoprim is favoured on account of synergistic action and prevention of emergence of resistant bacteria. In [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:36+00:00March 4, 2017|Veterinary Pharmacology|Comments Off on Sulfonamides: Chemistry, Classification and Adverse Reactions | Animals

Classification of Antimicrobials | Chemotherapy | Animals | Pharmacology

Antimicrobial drugs are classified in a variety of ways. They are: 1.  Classification Based on Cidal or Static Action 2. Classification Based on Mechanism of Action of the Drugs 3. Classification Based on Spectrum of Activity. 1. Classification Based on Cidal or Static Action: e.g. bactericidal or bacteriostatic (Table 25.1) and fungicidal or fungi static drugs. In most of the [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:36+00:00March 4, 2017|Veterinary Pharmacology|Comments Off on Classification of Antimicrobials | Chemotherapy | Animals | Pharmacology

Drug Resistance and Its Prevention | Animals |Pharmacology

Drug resistance limits the therapeutic uses of antibacterial agents in animals and man. Antibacterial drug resistance develops in bacteria rapidly due to their short generation time and easy genetic exchange mechanisms. Drug resistance is also observed with protozoa, helminthic parasites and malignant cells. Resistance in bacteria spreads from animals to animals or from bacterium to bacterium by plasmids and from [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:36+00:00March 4, 2017|Veterinary Pharmacology|Comments Off on Drug Resistance and Its Prevention | Animals |Pharmacology
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