Archive | Plants

List of Plants with their Attractive Features | Botany

List of twenty one plants with their attractive features:- 1. Oldest Living Plant 2. Oldest Living Fossil 3. World's most Massive Living, Things 4. World's Largest Tree Crown 5. World's Largest Living Organisms 6. World's Tallest Tree 7. World's Heaviest and Hardest Wood 8. World's Softest and Lightest Wood 9. World's Smallest Flowering Plant 10. Smallest Fruit 11. Largest Fruit [...]

By |2017-04-11T09:15:47+00:00April 11, 2017|Plants|Comments Off on List of Plants with their Attractive Features | Botany

Growth and Development in Plants: Practical Guide | Hindi | Biology

This article provides a practical guide in Hindi to learn about the process of growth and development in plants. एकबीजपत्री बीज एवं द्विबीजपत्री बीजों में अंकुरण का अध्ययन:  परिचय: पौधों में, बीज के अन्दर भ्रूण सुषुप्ता अवस्था में बना रहता है लेकिन जैसे ही भ्रूण को नमी मिलती है वह नवोदभिद पौधे में विकसित होने लगता है । अत: ऐसी [...]

By |2017-03-16T06:01:01+00:00March 16, 2017|Development Process|Comments Off on Growth and Development in Plants: Practical Guide | Hindi | Biology

7 Main Stages of Lithosere | Plants | Biology

The following points highlight the  the seven main stages of lithosere in plants. The stages are:- 1. Crustose Lichen Stage 2. Foliose and Fruticose Lichen Stage 3. Moss Stage 4. Herb Stage 5. Shrub Stage 6. Trees Stage 7. Climax Stage. 1. Crustose Lichen Stage: Lichen species like Graphis Rhizocarpon, Rinodina and Lacanora forms are the pioneer community in a [...]

By |2017-03-15T04:12:23+00:00March 15, 2017|Plants|Comments Off on 7 Main Stages of Lithosere | Plants | Biology
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