Archive | Colloidal Systems

Colloids: Subject-Matter, Preparation and Tests

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Subject-Matter of Colloids 2. Preparation of different types of Colloidal Systems 3. Tests. Subject-Matter of Colloids: The term 'Colloid' was first proposed by Thomas Graham to represent the heterogeneous mixture of suspended particles in a dispersion medium. The particles of colloidal dimension range in size from 1 to 200 mµ. Collodial particles [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:05+00:00October 20, 2016|Colloidal Systems|Comments Off on Colloids: Subject-Matter, Preparation and Tests

Colloidal Systems of Plant (With Experiments)

Let us make an in-depth study of the colloidal systems of plant with various experiments. The Colloidal Systems: The complex nature of the living substance in the cell, the protoplasm, is due to its physico-chemical properties. Protoplasm is predominantly composed of substances in the colloidal state and certainly it is to these colloidal systems that it owes much of its [...]

By |2015-10-16T11:05:04+00:00October 16, 2015|Colloidal Systems|Comments Off on Colloidal Systems of Plant (With Experiments)
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