Archive | Plant Tissues

Somatic Embryogenesis | Biotechnology

The below mentioned article provides a study note on somatic embryogenesis. Somatic embryogenesis is the process in which a single cell or a small group of cells follow a developmental pathway that leads to reproducible regeneration of non-zygotic embryos which are capable of producing a complete plant. These non-zygotic embryos may originate directly from other organs or parthenogenetic embryos (without [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:31+00:00November 2, 2016|Somatic Embryogenesis|Comments Off on Somatic Embryogenesis | Biotechnology

Artificial Seed: Meaning and Methods | Biotechnology

In this article we will discuss about the meaning and methods of artificial seed. Meaning of Artificial Seed: Somatic embryos are not enclosed by seed coats and due to microbial contamination and desiccation they are not able to survive if these are sown directly into field soil. The aim of somatic embryos encapsulation is to produce an analog to true [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:31+00:00November 2, 2016|Artificial Seeds|Comments Off on Artificial Seed: Meaning and Methods | Biotechnology

Top 6 Applications of Embryo Culture | Biotechnology

The following points highlight the top six applications of embryo culture. The applications are: 1. Rescuing Embryos from Incompatible Crosses 2. Overcoming Dormancy and Shortening Breeding Cycle 3. Overcoming Seed Sterility 4. Embryo Callus has Organogenic Potential 5. Production of Monoploids and Diploids 6. Biotechnological Application. Application # 1. Rescuing Embryos from Incompatible Crosses: In case of interspecific or inter-generic [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:30+00:00November 2, 2016|Embryo Culture|Comments Off on Top 6 Applications of Embryo Culture | Biotechnology
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