Archive | Plant Tissues

Epidermal Tissue System of Plant (With Diagrams)

The below mentioned article provides a short note on Epidermal Tissue System of Plant. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Subject Matter of Epidermis 2. Functions of the Epidermis. Subject Matter of Epidermis: The epidermis usually conĀ­sists of a single layer of cells which cover the whole outer surĀ­face of the plant body. The word is derived [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:17:42+00:00February 2, 2016|Tissue System|Comments Off on Epidermal Tissue System of Plant (With Diagrams)

3 Major Groups of Plant Tissue (With Diagrams) | Botany

The following points highlight the three major groups of Plant Tissues. The groups are: 1. Meristems Tissue 2. Permanent Tissue 3. Secretory Tissue. Plant Tissue: Group # 1. Meristems Tissue: A meristematic tissue consists of a group of cells which remain in a continuous state of division or they retain their power of division. The characteristic features of meristematic tissue [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:17:41+00:00February 2, 2016|Plant Tissues|Comments Off on 3 Major Groups of Plant Tissue (With Diagrams) | Botany

Stelar System of Plant: Definition and Types (With Diagrams)

Let us learn about Steler System of Plants. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Definition of Stelar System 2. Types of Steles. Definition of Stelar System: According to the older botanists, the vascular bundle is the fundamental unit in the vascular system of pteridophytes and higher plants. Van Tieghem and Douliot (1886) interpreted the plant body of [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:17:39+00:00February 2, 2016|Tissue System|Comments Off on Stelar System of Plant: Definition and Types (With Diagrams)
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