Archive | Photophysiology

Notes on Phytochrome | Plant Physiology

In plants, there is a photo reversible pigment which is called phytochrome (P), chromophoric protein, and exists in two forms: one which absorbs red (Pr) and the other one which absorbs far-red light (Pfr). Bestowed with such a versatility of the molecule, several bio-chemicals, physiological and morphogenetic responses can be regulated in the plants. It was in 1920 that Gardner [...]

By |2016-07-20T08:05:30+00:00July 20, 2016|Photophysiology|Comments Off on Notes on Phytochrome | Plant Physiology

Physiology Process Affected by Radiation

Several of the physiological processes in plants are directly affected by the radiant energy; and photosynthesis is one of them. In addition radiant energy is known to affect protoplasmic streaming, flower induction, chlorophyll synthesis, seed germination and even phototropism. The study of the reactions as affected by light is called photobiology. The sun is the source of energy where reactions [...]

By |2016-07-20T08:05:30+00:00July 20, 2016|Photophysiology|Comments Off on Physiology Process Affected by Radiation
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