Archive | Mineral Nutrition

Top 10 Essential Elements of Micronutrients | Plants

The following points highlight the top ten essential elements of Micronutrients. The elements are: 1. Iron 2. Manganese 3. Boron 4. Molybdenum 5. Zinc 6. Copper 7. Chlorine 8. Sodium 9. Cobalt 10. Silicon. Micronutrients Element # 1. Iron: Iron is mainly absorbed by the plant in the ferrous form, but ferric ion may also be absorbed. Soils are usually [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:55:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Mineral Nutrition|Comments Off on Top 10 Essential Elements of Micronutrients | Plants

Ion Absorption in Plants– Passive and Active Uptake

In this article we will discuss about the Ion Absorption in Plants. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Passive Uptake of Ion Absorption 2. Active Uptake of Ion Absorption (Metabolic). Passive Uptake of Ion Absorption: (i) Non-Mediated Passive Uptake: Numerous investigators have demonstrated non-metabolic or passive uptake of ions due to the fact that when a plant [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:55:19+00:00February 10, 2016|Mineral Nutrition|Comments Off on Ion Absorption in Plants– Passive and Active Uptake
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