Archive | Mineral Nutrition

Top 4 Types of Mineral Nutrient Transport | Plants

The following points highlight the top four types of mineral nutrient transport. The types are: 1. Potassium (K+ ) 2. Phosphorus (P) 3. Iron (Fe) 4. Zinc (Zn). Mineral Nutrient Transport: Type # 1. Potassium (K+ ) Transport: K+ is absorbed into the root symplasm through transport across the root cell plasma membrane. From the root symplasm it travels to [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:55:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Mineral Nutrition|Comments Off on Top 4 Types of Mineral Nutrient Transport | Plants

Plasma Membrane-Bound ATPase Mechanisms | Plants

There are many intrinsic membrane ATPases, which can transport ions in one direction across a membrane without being accompanied by an ion of opposite charge giving rise to an electrical potential difference. These intrinsic membrane proteins were variously named as translocases, transferases or penetrases. They depend on ATP as energy source for transport. The allosteric transition of the transport ATPases [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:55:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Mineral Nutrition|Comments Off on Plasma Membrane-Bound ATPase Mechanisms | Plants

Top 10 Essential Elements of Micronutrients | Plants

The following points highlight the top ten essential elements of Micronutrients. The elements are: 1. Iron 2. Manganese 3. Boron 4. Molybdenum 5. Zinc 6. Copper 7. Chlorine 8. Sodium 9. Cobalt 10. Silicon. Micronutrients Element # 1. Iron: Iron is mainly absorbed by the plant in the ferrous form, but ferric ion may also be absorbed. Soils are usually [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:55:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Mineral Nutrition|Comments Off on Top 10 Essential Elements of Micronutrients | Plants
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