Archive | Growth and Development

Action of Controls: 4 Levels | Plant Physiology

The following points highlight the four main levels of action of controls. The levels are: 1. Genetic Level 2. Biochemical Level 3. Cellular Level 4. Organizational Level. 1. Genetic Level: The concept of totipotency is widely accepted. Given proper nutrients, growth hormones and congenital environments, single cells can be made to divide, enlarge and differentiate into tissue, organs and a [...]

By |2016-07-20T08:05:23+00:00July 20, 2016|Growth and Development|Comments Off on Action of Controls: 4 Levels | Plant Physiology

Difference between Development and Differentiation

The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between Development and Differentiation. Difference # Development: Following seed germination, formation of seedling, growth of a plant, flowering and fruiting several changes occur. The changes take place in an orderly fashion beginning with simple structure of the embryo in a seed to the highly complex organization of the mature plant. This [...]

By |2016-07-20T08:05:22+00:00July 20, 2016|Growth and Development|Comments Off on Difference between Development and Differentiation

Growth on Plants: Factors, Regions and Pattern

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Factors Affecting Growth 2. Regions of Growth 3. Pattern. Factors Affecting Growth: (i) Temperature: The growth of a plant occurs in the range of about 0°C to 35°C. Within most of this range, raising of the temperature by 10°C increases growth rate by 2-3 times. There are three temperatures known as the [...]

By |2016-07-20T08:05:22+00:00July 20, 2016|Growth and Development|Comments Off on Growth on Plants: Factors, Regions and Pattern
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