Archive | Pollen and Spore Walls

Shape of a Pollen Grain | Plants

Sporoderm defines the shape of a pollen grain and spore. Erdtman (1952) distinguishes nine common types of shape (Fig. 4.33). The shape classes are based on the ratio between the length of polar axis (P) and equatorial diameter (E). P and E are measured from the equatorial view of a pollen grain and spore. Measurements are taken from the optical [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:55:54+00:00December 12, 2016|Pollen and Spore Walls|Comments Off on Shape of a Pollen Grain | Plants

Sculpture Types that Ornament both Pollen and Spore | Plants

The following points highlight the nineteen main sculpture types that ornament both pollen and spore. The sculpture types are: 1. Chagrenate 2. Psilate 3. Spinula 4. Spina 5. Pilum 6. Verruca 7. Gemma 8. Clava 9. Baculum 10. Scabrate 11. Rugulate 12. Striate 13. Cicatricose 14. Reticulate 15. Corrugate 16. Foveolate 17. Fossidate 18. Canaliculate 19. Echinate. Sculpture Type # [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:55:54+00:00December 12, 2016|Pollen and Spore Walls|Comments Off on Sculpture Types that Ornament both Pollen and Spore | Plants

NPC Classification of Pollen and Spore Wall | Plants

NPC is an artificial system of classification of pollen and spore based on the three features of aperture only, i.e. number, position and character. Erdtman and Straka (1961) proposed NPC classification and palynologists all over the world accepted it. According to NPC system each pollen grain has an arithmetic cardinal number consisting of three digits. The first digit reveals the [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:55:54+00:00December 12, 2016|Pollen and Spore Walls|Comments Off on NPC Classification of Pollen and Spore Wall | Plants
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